The most basic mink trap is just that – a trap. A cheap cage trap can be bought for £35, and will last for years, but will require a physical check at least once a day when set, and preferably more often than that. WRT uses a robust, high-quality trap that is rather more expensive (made by Perdix Ltd at about £50 including VAT and delivery). A single raft will cost about £140 inc VAT and delivery, the price reducing somewhat for larger orders. RMDs vary in price, but the model we recommend is made by Remoti Ltd and they cost about £125 inc VAT, delivery and 12 months of use of the Remoti web portal. Thereafter, there’s a monthly fee of £2+VAT per unit.
In rough terms, then, the basic elements of a good quality RMD-equipped trap on a raft (as used by WRT and partners) costs about £315, to which must be added various ancillary expenses (RMD batteries, cable ties, tethering rope and posts for securing to). A round figure of £330 will cover all this.