Report a Sighting

    We may well wish to follow up your sighting by getting in touch with you. Please be assured that your contact details will be used for no other purpose, and will not be passed to a third party. Please enter as much information as you can (* Required).

    Your Name*

    Phone Number*

    Email Address*

    Date of Sighting*





    Number of Mink Seen

    Was the animal alive or dead?

    Please click on the following website link Grid Reference Finder to get the X,Y coordinates or Lat/Long for the location you saw the mink. Alternatively, if you use what3words you can enter them below. You can also give a detailed description of the location in your message if that is easier, such as town and road name.

    X (Easting) or Latitude

    Y (Northing) or Longitude


    Sighting information. Please give as much detail as possible. Was the animal swimming, crossing a road, in a garden? What colour and size was it? What time of day? From roughly what distance did you see it?

    If you managed to get a picture we'd love to see it!

    Upload files (max files is 5) (20MB limit total) (jpg,png,gif,jpeg,pdf,tiff,doc,docx,avi,mov,mp4,wmv)