Report a Capture or Road Kill

    We may well wish to follow up your capture by getting in touch with you. Please be assured that your contact details will be used for no other purpose, and will not be passed to a third party. If you are able to send us a small tissue sample (tip of ear) for DNA analysis we would be extremely grateful. If you can help with that please tick the "Yes" box and fill in your address. We will immediately send you details about taking the sample and an addressed, postage-paid, return envelope. DNA samples help us to learn more about the American mink population and results will be published on the website in due course (* Required).

    Your Name*

    Email Address*

    Phone Number

    I can send a DNA sample


    House Name/Number




    Post Code

    American mink and encounter details
    Please fill out as much information as you can; more details can be found here - What to Record.
    For the location you caught or found an American mink please click the following website link Grid Reference Finder to get the X,Y or Lat/Long coordinates. Alternatively, if you use what3words you can enter them below. You can also give a detailed description of the location in your message if that is easier, such as town and road name.

    Date of Capture*








    Incident Type

    X (Easting) or Latitude

    Y (Northing) or Longitude

    or What3Words

    Additional information

    Example of photograph

    A photograph of the mink on it's back would be extremely useful if possible.

    Upload files (max files is 5) (20MB limit total) (jpg,png,gif,jpeg,pdf,tiff,doc,docx,avi,mov,mp4,wmv)