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Fantastic support from the Anglian Water Invasive Species Fund

Waterlife Recovery East (WRE) is incredibly pleased to be able to report that we have received three grants from the Anglian Water Invasive Species Fund, each for £14,650.  The grants are administered by the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation and received on behalf of WRE by one of our key partners The Norfolk Rivers Trust.

The grants cover 4 catchments: Broadland Rivers, North Norfolk, North West Norfolk and the Cam and Ely Ouse.  Together they cover the whole of Norfolk and parts of Suffolk and Cambridgeshire.  As well as allowing us to purchase at least a further 90 smart rafts, we will be able to engage even more volunteers keen to take part in protecting their local wildlife.

We will be putting in a final report on what we have achieved with the help of this grant by the end of January 2023.  We believe that with this help, and the other support we have received from our partners, we will be able to report that the outlook for the wildlife that lives along our waterways has been very significantly improved.

Our grateful thanks to Anglian Water and the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation.

Published On: May 16th, 2021|Categories: Waterlife Recovery East|


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